Blog #3 - Affective Dimensions of Writing
In thinking about how I feel about writing I can affirmatively say that I am not much of a writer and prefer to express myself orally. However, I have found some joy in writing, and on occasion, will do so. Growing up I did not like writing at all. Looking back at my high school writings, I notice that I was a pretty good writer though. I understood the process and how to construct papers in a way that would help the reader understand what I was trying to present or argue. Most the writing assignments that I did enjoy, I enjoyed because I was interested in actually doing the research and making the effort to write it. I never really wrote recreationally growing up. If it wasn't an assignment, I didn't write it. Overall, I simply found writing uninteresting and couldn't sit long enough to actually write stuff. However, I do have to admit being pulled into the whole note passing thing with my girlfriend in high school....