
Showing posts from September, 2011

Blog #2 Connecting School and Home Experiences

My home life truly fostered my development for my desire to teach Psychology.  Growing up, I remember my parents and father in particular reading all kinds of psychology-based books.  Occasionally, when he knew I could understand the concepts, we would have discussions about them.  These conversations and my own desire to understand human behavior led me to begin creating my own theories about why people do certain things.  I would discuss those theories with my father occasionally.  As I grew older, I began to confide a lot of things about my life to my father.  He was like my own personal therapist growing up.  I knew that he knew a lot of information about human behavior, having read a lot of books about it.  I felt comfortable and I found that he helped me gain more insights into my own life and why I did certain things.  He helped me see different parts of my life that I may have not payed much attention to.  Having "ah ha" moments ...

Blog #1 Introduction

My name is Tyson Jensen and I consider myself to be from West Valley City, Utah, which is right near Salt Lake City, UT.  I love all kinds of sports, whether its playing or watching them.  I am a pretty avid Utah Jazz and BYU football fan.  I spent two years on a LDS mission in Italy.  I am generally a pretty energetic person. I love the fact that I lived in such a diverse place (for Utah) and that I could spend some time overseas.  It gave me opportunity to be around and associate myself with people that are different than me in many ways. It paved the way for a lot of the things that I believe in about people.  I hope to teach Psychology in this class because of the fascination I have with people and why they do the things they do.  I love every aspect of psychology because of the experience it was for me to learn and continue to learn.  It has made me more self aware of why I do certain things, which in turn I hope to help others receive that...